Melissa Ciminero, Adviser
Hi! I’m Mrs. Ciminero and I am the adviser for this website and for NMS Journalism class. I am an English Major so this kind of class is right up my alley. Besides teaching English (or Language Arts as you like to call it), I am the co adviser (with my best bud Mrs. Muccio) for:
This website, the yearbook, the seventh and eighth grade Prep Bowl, Eighth grade student council, and I advise the English Festival with Mrs. Ledsome. Whew!!! I know– a lot. I love this class because I love creativity and design, and I love the written word. I hope this staff is able to get all that out there to you and you enjoy everything they do for this school. On a side note, I love playing tennis (I think I’m pretty good), and I absolutely love football! I hope this year is going to be fabulous for everyone.