Student Teacher Spotlight

Tori Lanam, Staff Writer

Name: Miss. Franken

What are your interests and hobbies outside the classroom: I love to work, learn, and meet new people. I volunteer at many church events and help plan them. I also love any chance to celebrate with people.

Why do you want to become a teacher: I think being a teacher fits my personality very well. I love both math and science and the opportunity to work with students . I also love that everyday is different and exciting.

What is your favorite memory teaching at NMS: Helping with the 6th grade dance and getting to see students outside of the classroom.

What do you love most about teaching: I love getting to know the students and the way they remind me to not take life too seriously. It’s also fun to plan lessons that I think students will enjoy.

What is your favorite subject to teach:  Science

What are your plans for the future: I plan to stay local and teach somewhere near here!

What was your greatest challenge during student teaching: Balancing teaching, my own school work, and my job. Also managing my time became a challenge as well.How would you describe your teaching style: I try to make my lessons very student focused. I ask a lot of questions to engage students and encourage them to be interactive.