Tori Lanam- Our All American Girl!
November 17, 2022
As a cheerleader here at NMS, Tori Lanam has gone from cheering on the sidelines to cheering at big events! Tori has been chosen to cheer for All American cheer, a performance cheer squad. She got picked to cheer for All American at one of the Niles cheer camps. Many kids from many different schools cheer here at All American. “I loved getting to meet all the new people; they made me feel more confident in cheering,” says Tori. Other than meeting new people, Tori has said she’s really enjoyed getting the opportunity to do this. For All American, Tori got to perform in three events: the Cleveland Cavaliers game, the YSU Penguins basketball game, and at the Eastwood Mall here in Niles! “Performing for all of these made me a bit nervous, but in the end it was a lot of fun,” says Tori. Cheering at a football game from cheering at a huge event is a very big difference! “You’re focusing a lot more on yourself and your squad rather than football and what’s going on in the game,” says Tori. Whether cheering on the football team, or cheering at a Cavs game, Tori loves cheer with no doubt!